Unlikenesses A Backend Developer

soft cascading

9 October 2015

So despite my adventures in Laravel (which continue whenever I have some spare time), the difficulties deploying it to crappy shared hosting are making me stick to CodeIgniter for any real-life, paid work projects. I've recently been porting (well, completely rewriting) my CMS for CodeIgniter 3, and have decided to implement cascading deletes. All very easy with MySQL:

Imagine I have two tables, employers and employees. employees is a child table of employers, and has a field that contains the parent row's id. Set this as index. Then set as foreign key related to the employer id. Then specify on delete cascade.

This works fine. But what if I want to implement soft-deletes? I am using Jamie Rumbelow's base model. It's very easy to set up soft deletes. In MY_Model, set

protected $soft_delete = TRUE;


protected $soft_delete_key

to the deleted field (must be INT or TINYINT) in your table.

Now I create an employer, add an employee. Delete the employer, and magically its deleted flag is set to 1. I can restore the employer by resetting the flag to zero.

The problem we now have is that we want to soft-delete any children of this employer too: a kind of cascade for the deleted flag. Luckily MY_Model provides callback functions for create, update, get and delete. I should be able to create a function which is called after the delete method, which will go through all the children of a parent row and set their deleted flag to 1.

So in my Admin model (which extends MY_Model) I add public $before_delete = array('cascade_soft_delete');, and create a function cascade_soft_delete. But then how do I know what the child table is of any given parent table? Or even if the table in which the row has been deleted IS a parent table?

Enter relationships, also provided for by Rumbelow's MY_Model. I can say that one table 'belongs to' another, and that another table 'has many' of another. So in this case, employees 'belongs to' employers, and employers 'has many' employees. But here I hit a problem. According to the repo's readme, 'It will assume that a MY_Model API-compatible model with the singular relationship's name has been defined'. But I am not using models for each table. Instead, I have a single, Admin model which takes care of CRUD commands for all my tables. If I want to change the $table variable, I call a set_table method in the Admin model, called from the controller for a particular table. Actually, it turns out that this works anyway.

So if I go ahead and create a similar function called set_belongs_to in my Admin model, then call it in my Employees controller, like so:

Admin model:

public function set_belongs_to($table)
    $this->belongs_to[] = $table;

Employees controller:


I can then finally write the cascade_soft_delete method. It's very simple:

public function cascade_soft_delete($row)
    $table = $this->table;
    foreach ($this->has_many as $child)
        $this->update_by(array('parent'=>$row), array('deleted'=>1));
    return $row;

First it grabs the current table so it can restore it at the end. Then, it loops through the has_many array (which in my example only contains employees) to grab the children. For each child, it sets it as the current working table, then updates it, setting deleted to be 1 where the parent foreign key field is equal to the $row variable (i.e. the id of the row about to be deleted from the parent table). At the end it resets the working table to the parent table. And hey presto: cascading soft deletes!